From pe class equipment to balancing equipment and movement games, Kinderspell has everything to make movement-based learning possible. Think balance courses, stepping stones, climbing frames, play parachutes, and much more.
Physical Education equipment for schools
The aim of PE equipment for primary schools is to support children's cognitive development at school by combining physical activity with learning. With the help of physical education equipment, different senses are stimulated and the brain is stimulated to process information better. This can lead to better learning performance, increased motivation and better concentration among pupils.
PE equipment can be used in primary education, where it is important that children get enough exercise and can concentrate well during lessons. There are various movement games that pe equipment can be used, such as dancing, jumping, yoga, balancing games and movement exercises. It is important that pe sports equipment is performed in a safe and responsible manner.
PE sports equipment - sports day equipment
PE sports equipment is not just for the classroom. Activities outside school can also be linked to learning, for example using moving learning in the schoolyard, during field trips, sports days or nature walks. With pe equipment, learning is linked to movement and pupils are encouraged to be active and learn in a different environment than the classroom.
In general, it can be said that physical education equipment for schools has a positive impact on pupils' cognitive and physical development. It is therefore important that schools and teachers integrate it into their teaching practices and that sufficient space and time is provided for movement in the classroom and in the schoolyard.
PE Class equipment primary school - learning by moving
PE class equipment in primary schools can be used in two ways:
Language and maths lessons are interspersed with short movement breaks. So jumping, running, or dancing between lessons. This way, children are concentrated again after the movement and can then get back to work on the lessons freshly.
You can also teach children something in a moving way. For example, childrenreally enjoy learning numbers or letters while jumping.
Both ways are effective for promoting learning and concentration. Regular movement in the classroom stimulates circulation and keeps pupils energetic and motivated to learn. In addition, physicals class equipment can also help students remember and understand information better because it is linked to physical experiences. It is important to schedule regular movement into the curriculum so that pupils do not sit still for long periods at a time.
Learning by moving in the classroom - what are the benefits of pe equipment?
There are several benefits of learning by moving in the classroom. It not only promotes children's health, but also their ability to concentrate and pay attention. Moreover, children are enthusiastic about pe class equipment at school and parents increasingly value exercise activities at school.
It is therefore important that schools pay attention to learning by moving and build in time for this during lessons. This can be done, for instance, by introducing short exercise breaks during which pupils can move around for a while and concentrate on their breathing. Pe equipment can also be used to teach certain lesson materials interactively.
Physical education equipment list
It is important that toddlers, preschoolers and older children get enough physical activity outside school hours to maintain the positive effects on the brain. Children who exercise regularly have improved cognitive functions such as memory, concentration and problem-solving skills. This is because exercise improves blood flow to the brain and therefore brain activity.
In short, physical education equipment has many benefits for the brain activity and self-confidence of toddlers, preschoolers and older children . Both in the classroom, on the playground and after school, it is therefore important to encourage sufficient movement. This is best done by making movement fun and interactive, for example with Gonge movement games and movement breaks during lessons. View the complete physical education equipment list on the Kinderspell webshop.